Financial Licenses & Registration in Cyprus


Cyprus Financial Licences

The severe economic collapse that Cyprus experienced during the time of the European financial crisis has now made it a notable example inside the EU. Despite the ongoing conflict in Cyprus. After undergoing a significant amount of economic revitalization, the island is today regarded as one of the most prosperous countries in the EU (EU).

Obtaining the Financial Licenses & Registration in Cyprus ensures that hat you are qualified, secure, and compliant, as well as that you have insurance and liability coverage in place.


Going through a process like this will require them to invest a lot of time and resources in interacting with regulatory bodies. This is because regulatory agencies around the world are gaining more authority to ensure that company licences are in place, and businesses around the world are coming under increasing pressure to comply with increasingly stringent legislation. As a result of these two factors, going through a process like this will require them to invest a lot of time and resources.Cyprus has the lowest corporate income tax rate in the EU of 12.5%, tied with Ireland. Cyprus does not tax securities, capital gains, or dividends, and capital gains and dividend participation is exempt.

Cyprus financial licences offer four important reasons:

Multi-use licence

A Cypriot Investment Firm licence lets you offer 14 financial services. Nine core financial services and seven additional ones. Many countries require many licences to provide almost any service, which can be time-consuming and costly. In Cyprus, a single licence lets you invest in many different ways. 

Tax optimization

Corporation taxes at 12.5%, exemptions from dividends, capital gains, withholding taxes, and securities income taxes. Your overseas firm income is tax-free.If you qualify for non-dom status, which exempts personal dividend, passive interest, and rental income, you can earn a 50% personal income tax credit for ten years. This credit reduces your personal tax bill.


Passport rights

Cyprus investment companies have full EU market access. A Cyprus licence allows you to operate freely in other EU countries without additional licences.


Simple approach

As usual, getting a finance licence is difficult. However, Cyprus' financial licence application process is strict enough to admit only legitimate applicants but flexible enough to be appealing. Standard application responses take five to six months. Fast-track applications (€25,000) are processed in two months.


The wealthy clients of  AAA Management Services are assisted in both the expansion and preservation of their wealth.


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